Monday 25 November 2013

प्रदीप शर्मा के इन दावों की जांच जरूर की जानी चाहिए ---वीरेंद्र यादव

गुजरात कैडर के आई ए एस अधिकारी प्रदीप शर्मा ने भाजपा के पीएम इन वोटिंग के बारे में अत्यंत सनसनीखेज खुलासे किये हैं और गुजरात के बाहर की किसी भी स्वतंत्र जाँच एजेंसी से जांच की मांग की है .,"Sharma who claimed he enjoyed the woman architect’s confidence said she had been told by the Chief Minister that she could take up a project of her choice wherever she wanted. He also said she had received very silly messages from the Chief Minister including some asking what she had eaten and if she had tea. “She did not go to the extent about the relationship. But she did tell me she was extremely close to CM,” Sharma said. When pointed out that there was nothing wrong with being close to the Chief Minister, Sharma said,”A clandestine visit is something that is wrong. A clandestine visit for an overnight stay at the CM’s residence is wrong.” प्रदीप शर्मा के इन दावों की जांच जरूर की जानी चाहिए ताकि सच का खुलासा हो सके .

विस्तृत जानकारी हेतु इस लिंक को पढ़ें

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